Job Readiness Training
CLB’s workforce development department works with consumers to help find and maintain employment. The department provides job-readiness assessments, computer skills assessments and job coaching for job development, featuring career life-skills group workshops.
The workshops offer career path presentations and discussion, needs assessments and recommendations, and networking which can lead to employment opportunities for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. The employer outreach initiative gives an employer the opportunity to meet qualified candidates for vacancies available.
CLB has various programs and services to help consumers become job ready
- Vocational and Situational Assessments
- Resume Support
- Job Placement and Retention
- Job Coaching
- Job Accommodation and Employer Education
- Interview Skills Development
- Job Development
- Orientation and Mobility Training
Would you like to take part in our job readiness training?
Contact us or call 301-589-0894 to reserve your spot or learn more about the class.
CLB has years of experience delivering services, training, and hiring individuals who are blind and visually impaired for work through various contracts. We are a competitively priced service provider, and we are committed to quality and providing outstanding customer service.
We are proud to partner with outstanding organizations
Through varied contracts, CLB is able to connect job seekers to job opportunities at excellent companies, across a variety of core competencies.

Our core competencies include
- Administrative Support
- Accessibility Assurance Services
- Contract Management Support
- Digital Data Scan
- Braille Productions
CLB is a proud partner of AbilityOne Program. The mission of AbilityOne is to provide employment opportunities for people who are blind or have severe disabilities in the manufacture and delivery of products and services to the federal government. CLB is an Ability One agency through the National Industries for the Blind.