Nai Damato currently serves as CLB’s DeafBlind Services Manager. In this role, Nai oversees programs such as the Support Service Provider (SSP) Program, where DeafBlind individuals work with sighted individuals to access environmental information, and the National DeafBlind Equipment Distribution Program or iCanConnect, where low-income DeafBlind individuals receive free equipment and training for the purpose of telecommunication. Nai serves the DeafBlind community with the understanding that DeafBlindness is a unique experience requiring specialized training and cultural competence. Previously, Nai trained Low-Vision, Blind, and DeafBlind adults on assistive technology (AT) in English, American Sign Language (ASL), and Spanish. Nai also developed AT curriculum and trained fellow trainers from across the nation in its implementation in partnership with National Industries for the Blind. Nai received a Bachelor’s degree in ASL Interpretation from Gallaudet University.