Light the Way 5k Sponsors
The Julius Fleischmann Foundation was our $10,000 sponsor
Capital One Bank once again came through as a huge supporter of CLB
Coca-Cola was a sponsor and provided the bottled Dasani water
Safeway once again provided gift bags for all participants
The Friends of CLB were once again living up to their names
WJLA, ABC7, News Channel 8 provided airing of our taped “Shout Out” and our MC, Eileen Whalen
The American Academy of Ophthalmology
Bach To Rock provided electrifying live entertainment with largely 90s rock tunes
Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company provided complimentary hot coffee to everyone at the event
National Industries for the Blind
The Retina Group of Washington
Utz provided potato chips at the event
The Washingtonian provided us a half page ad in their September issue